Week 1 - Swim 2

Got up nice and early to hit the pool this morning. Got to the changing rooms to find that I’d forgotten to pack my goggles, so that was the end of that. Postponed the session until lunch so I could buy some new goggles (which I’d been planning to do anyway). As I walked up to the sports store I noticed that the welcome home ticker-tape parade for the Olympic Team was on, though the athletes had yet to arrive. New googles in hand, it was off to the pool.

5 * 200 FS, 30s rest   (Avg: 2:48)

Total: 1000m

Everything felt a bit easier than it has done in the past, so I’m obviously getting some feel back for the water.

B: 10km – S: 2000m

iCal Rocks!

I’ve just been creating a training plan in iCal, based on the training plan I mentioned earlier. It took about 30mins to set everything up, and an instant to publish it on the web.

Check it out here.

Looks pretty good too! As I edit stuff in iCal it automatically updates the online calendar as well. Nice.

Week 1 - Swim 1

I hit the pool at lunch to get my first swim of the week in. It was quite a bit busier than last time I went at lunch-time, and as usual there were people in the fast lane who shouldn’t have been there. If you’re swimming 1:50/100m you are not fast, even by normal standards, let alone ex-swimmer standards. I might try going at different times of the day when it may be a bit quieter.

5 * 200 FS, 30sec rest (Avg: 2:50)

B: 10km – S: 1000m


Now that the 10K is over and done with, I’m going to start a more structured and organised training plan. I found this plan last year, and intended doing it, but I never did. It looked a little daunting at the time, but one year of sporadic exercise later it looks a lot more manageble.

So, I plan to nerd it up using iCal and then I’ll publish the resulting calendar on the web.

In the meantime, the plan for this week requires:

3 * 1000m swims,

4 * 20min runs &

1 * 30min & 1 * 60min bike.

I might miss one of the runs as I have to wait for my calves to stop hurting, but the rest should be doable.

New Bike

Here it is; my new bike. I picked it up from Cheeky Monkey on the way into work this morning. First impressions? It looks fast, and sure as hell feels fast, but I’ll have to wait until I get a speedo fitted to put a number on how much faster it is than my MTB. I plan to take it out for a blast around Centennial Park tomorrow evening to put it through its paces.

10K Bridge Run

Well, we finished it! Got up at 5:40 this morning, jumped in the car, picked Niall up on the way and parked on Bondi Junction. Got the train to North Sydney, with more and more runners joining at every stop. By the time we arrived at Milson’s Point the marathon and half-marathon had already started, so there was just the people doing the 10K milling about. That was still about 10,000 people apparently.

It was bloody cold in the shadow of the bridge, especially once we’d dropped off our gear at the trucks which would carry it to the finish for us. We stood around shivering and stretching, then Niall headed off to the front as he was going for a time. Met Billy and Lisa briefly, then the gun went. It took us about 7-8mins before we crossed the start line, but once we did all doubts and apprehensions disappeared and we plodded off along the course.

I was obviously caught up in the moment a litte, as I’d forgotten to go to the toilet before the start, and I also forgot to start my stopwatch. I only realised this about 2km into the race, so I had no idea how fast we were going. The run over the Harbour Bridge was quite nice, though there was a biting wind blowing across the course, so I was pretty happy to get onto the Cahill Expressway. Myself and Jacqui had settled into a nice relaxing pace and the kilometres seemed to pass quite easily. Next thing I knew we were heading up Macquarie St. and approaching the 5km drinks station.

They had toilets there as well, but there was a bit of a queue, and I figured I could hang on until the end, so I skipped them. Sure enough, about 1km later I started getting signals from my bladder that I had better stop soon, so I left Jacqui with instructions to keep going, and I ran ahead to find the next toilet, which turned out to be at 7.5km. Thankfully there were no queues at this one, which was a relief in more ways than one!

Jacqui had just passed the toilets as I emerged, so I caught up with her and resumed our normal pace. My left knee was starting to hurt a little, but it was little more than an annoyance at this stage so we kept going to the turn-around beside St. Mary’s Cathedral. We were now on the home stretch with a little more than 1.5km to go, the majority of which was slightly downhill. We had the last of our 5 stretching stops at the 9km mark, and it was plain sailing from there until then finish on the Opera House forecourt. We crossed the line with 1:17 showing on the clock, so allowing for the time we were waiting around at the start, I reckon our official time will turn out to be somewhere in the region of 1:08. Neither of us were remotely tired or out of breath, though my knee was starting to become more than an annoyance so I was glad to finish. Niall managed a very respectable 43:19 by his watch.

All in all, it was a lot easier than I’d expected, but I need to figure out why my knee went all weird. I’d definitely like to try another one and actually make a race of it. It feels good to be an athlete again ;-)

B: 57km – R: 16km – S: 1200m

Ready As I'll Ever Be

Just got back from my BRAT beginner’s ride which was a nice warm-up for the race tomorrow. We did a bit of hill work, followed shortly afterwards by a 1 lap individual time trial. I had no intention of busting my arse and draining my legs, so once Olivia came past I drafted off her for the rest of the lap. Racked up 42km in total for my final week on the MTB. Picking up the new bike on Monday, so I should be a good bit faster next week. Looking forward to it.

I’m off into town now with Jacqui to pick up my race pack for tomorrow. I haven’t done much training this week, since Tuesday anyway, so I’m going to call it a taper ;-) Looking forward to tomorrow, but with a bit of trepidation too, as I’m not as prepared as I’d like to be. Still, it’s a great course, so when it starts hurting I can allow the scenery to take my mind of it. Wish me luck!

B: 57km – R: 6km – S: 1200m

Outdoor Run

Cycled home and went out for a run. There was a little bit of rain, which was actually nice as the temperature was down as well. I did 6K in 34:33, which includes about 3 20sec stops to do a quick stretch of my calves. Ended up with nice even splits of 16:55:30 and 16:55:34 and finished with a pulse of 144, so the run was nice and relaxed. I’m pretty happy with it as it’s the longest run I’ve done which wasn’t on a treadmill, and I now know that I’ll have no worries with the 10K on Sunday. Jacqui has also entered the 10K, so we’ll just plod along together. Should be fun.

B: 15km – R: 6km – S: 1200m

Week 3

Went down to the pool at lunch to get a swim in. It’s busier than the morning, but there’s less instances of slow people getting into the fast lane, so it went quite well. I even had one guy pass me out, which hasn’t happened in a long time ;-)

100, 200, 300, 300, 200, 100 FS w/ 60s rest (Pace: 1:25)

Total: 1200m

B: 5km – S: 1200m


88.5kg @ 18.6% fat. Lost 1.1kg and 0.5% fat in two weeks.

They have it

Adam from Cheeky Monkey called and they have the Soloist Team in my size, so I’m picking it up on Thursday morning.

Hail Bondi!

Today was a nice spring afternoon, so Graeme decided a barbie was in order. Lots of nice meat and a couple of beers later, we’re standing around chatting when hailstones start falling! It got heavier and heavier until the place was white and we ended up having snowball fights! Tiff headed down to the beach and saw snowboarders on the grass. A weird weather day if ever there was one.

Bike Buying

I went up to Cheeky Monkey this morning and had a chat with Adam about my new bike. We agreed in the end that a full-on tri bike would not be the best option at the moment, and that a road bike was they way to go. That meant that it was down to the Soloist 105 or the Team Soloist. I preferred the Team Soloist, because it’s a much higher spec’d bike, the colour is nicer and, while it was more expensive, there was a much larger discount being offered on it. It turns out that I can still use my existing MTB-style bike shoes with it, saving me $250 I thought I’d have to spend on road shoes. So, that’s what I’ve decided to get. Adam is checking with the importer to see if they have any of my size left, and will ring me tomorrow, so fingers crossed!

B: 58km – R: 18km – S: 2200m – W: 2 sessions

Beginner's Bike - Week 3

Went up to Centennial Park for the third week of the BRAT beginner’s bike group. This week was sprint training, so we set off, two abreast, around the park. Two locations had been pointed out around the lap, approximately 400m apart, and we had to sprint that 400m, then drop to the back of the group. When my turn came around I took off, and got up a good head of speed. I’d underestimated how long the distance was and was fading a little in the last 50m. My legs were in bits afterwards, but we only had a few laps left after that. Once we’d finished it was time for coffee and a toasted sandwich before heading home via the Icebergs to meet Kev and watch him join BRAT. Niall is also joining. I don’t think they’ve any interest in triathlon per se, but there a couple of run training groups they would like to join, and there’s also the club racing series which provide a few cheap races for them to do. You never know though ;-)

B: 48km – R: 18km – S: 2200m – W: 2 sessions

Forrest Gump

Well, not quite ;-) Got my longest run ever in last night, 7.5km. I wanted to see how ti felt and use it as an indicator as to whether I’d be able to finish the 10K next weekend. I decided to adopt the “run 6mins, walk 1min” approach popularised by Jeff Galloway since I never really got up to speed with a proper training plan. It worked pretty well last night as I managed to do the 7.5km in 47:40, which would predict a 10K time around 1:04:00. Jacqui is still keen to do the race, so I’ll just run with her if she does decide to enter.

2min @ 6kmh

7 * {

6min @ 10kmh

1min @ 5.5kmh


2min @ 6kmh

Total: 7.9km

My legs feel pretty good today, though my calves are a little sore.

R: 18km – S: 2200m – W: 2 sessions


Completed a basic light weights session last night. My weights are pretty easy, and I’m doing them because everything else I do (bike & run) only works the legs. At the moment the session looks like this:

2 * {

Bicep Curls: 12 * 6kg

Tricep Curls: 12 * 6kg

Shoulder Raises: 12 * 6kg

Press Ups: 12

Sit Ups: 12


The plan is to gradually add reps up to 20 and just stay there. No change in actual weight lifted. Maybe I’ll introduce a third set before I get up to 20. That’s about it though.

Got another swim in this morning too.

100, 200, 300, 300, 200, 100 FS with 1min rest

Total: 1200m

R: 9.1km – S: 2200m – W: 2 sessions

Run, Swim

Got another run in last night on the treadmill. Felt pretty good throughout, though my legs were starting to feel it towards the end. Aerobically I was fine and could have doubled the distance, not sure about the legs though! Having said that, they feel OK today, so I’m not going to do ay running tonight, then I’ll attempt 7.5km tomorrow evening. That will be the longest distance I’ve ever run, so if that goes OK I shouud be able to handle the 10km (just).

2min @ 6kmh

3 * {

10min @ 10kmh

1min @ 5kmh


2min @ 6kmh

Total: 5.6km

Got up this morning and got a swim in too. Pretty striaghtforward. Felt shit for the first 500m and was alright, but tired, from there on once I’d warmed up a bit.

200 FS

300 FS

300 FS

200 FS

Total: 1000m

I think I’ll stick to the ladder style of session for the moment, gradually introducing longer swims until I’m up over 2km per session. Then I’ll start more traditional training.

R: 9.1km – S: 1000m – W: 1 session

Bike Sale

Woo hoo! Cheeky Monkey are having a Cervelo sale, and the price of a Dual has dropped $650! I’m heading in for a fitting on Sunday ;-)

The only thing I need to worry about is whether I can commute on aero bars. May not be a good idea.


Down in Canberra this week, so runs are on the treadmill. Got 20mins @ 10km/h last night. Easy enough pace, though I was really noticing the heat indoors. Did 2min walk as warm-up, then 10min run, 1min walk so I could drink some water, then another 10min run, follwed by 2min cool down. Did the usual light weights session afterwards too.

R: 3.5km – W: 1 session

Snow Business

I’ve just spent the weekend down at the snow tih Jacqui, Lara and Jodi. Saturday was absolutely roasting and the snow was all slushy as a result. I could have boarded in shorts and t-shirt if I’d wanted to. Jacqui had her first attempt at snowboarding and had a great time. She wasn’t planning on enjoying it, but by the end of the day she was asking questions about how much her own snowboard would cost! However, she did admit that was more from a desire to avoid all the hassles of renting gear rather than to go snowboarding on a regular basis.

Sunday was much better as the temperature was down, it was a little overcast and the snow stayed in good shape. Mount Perisher was the place to be, and while there’s less cover than a month ago, there’s still better cover than last year. Unfortunately the crap weather that had been forecast for Saturday showed up at 5pm, and it rained, and rained, and rained. We woke up this morning and it was still raining, so our chance to board Thredbo was over and we came home early. You win some, you lose some.

That’s the end of the boarding season as far as I’m concerned. It’s time to re-focus on the fitness campaign!