Citizenship Test

Earlier this morning I had to sit my citizenship test as the final hurdle before I can apply for Australian citizenship. I call it the Anti-Muslim Test as it was brought in after the Cronulla Riots, partly out of concerns that Muslims weren’t fully embracing Australian culture and were part of some sinister plan to encourage Sharia Law. Complete nonsense of course, but the test was the result, as was an extension of the waiting period between becoming a permanent resident and being eligible to apply for citizenship from two years to four.

The test is supposed to ensure that you’re aware of your rights and your responsibilities as a citizen and have a passing understanding of the history and government of Australia, and can speak English. Sample questions are “Who is Australia’s Head of State?”, “How many levels of government are there?” and “Are newspapers free to say what they want in Australia”, with the corresponding answers being “The Queen”, “3”, and “Yes - as long as they don’t defame someone or incite hatred/intolerance”.

The barrier is set pretty low; there’s 20 multiple-choice questions, out of which you have to get 12 right. There are also three questions on values which result in an instant fail if you get any of them wrong. You get 45 minutes to do the test, but, as a guide to how easy it is it took me 90 seconds and I got 100%! I also didn’t bother studying for it, skimming the citizenship booklet only once, though I am at an advantage in that I grew up in a Western-style democracy, speak English and have already lived in Australia for close to 10 years.

Despite passing the test comfortably, it turns out I now fall foul of the new waiting period requirements as you are no longer permitted to count time living in Australia before you were granted permanent residency. So now I enter what I call a ‘citizen-in-limbo’ period where I’ve met all the requirement, but have to wait until March 2011 before I can do my citizenship conferral ceremony. Bit of a shame really, as this September will see the 10th anniversary of my immigration and I was hoping to have become a citizen before this date.

Racial Profiling

In the aftermath of 9/11, governments around the world swung into action trying to ensure that their polices agencies were able to root out all terrorist threats within their communities. These efforts usually included passing some form of stop-and-search laws, whether it was people being taken aside for ‘random’ searches at airports, or being stopping in the street and having their bags searched.

At the time, there were lots of complaints that racial profiling was being used, and that Muslim communities around the world were being unfairly targeted by the new laws, or at least their implementation. Now, it turns out, in the UK at least, police have addressed these concerns, not, as you might expect, by ceasing to unfairly target the Muslim community, but by randomly searching non-Muslims to make up the numbers.

Examples of poor use of section 44 abounded. “I have evidence of cases where the person stopped is so obviously far from any known terrorism profile that, realistically, there is not the slightest possibility of him/her being a terrorist, and no other feature to justify the stop.”

He later said that while the police should not discriminate racially, it was equally important that they should not balance the statistics. “If, for example, 50 blonde women are stopped who fall nowhere near any intelligence-led terrorism profile, it’s a gross invasion of the civil liberties of those 50 blonde women.

“The police are perfectly entitled to stop people who fall within a terrorism profile even if it creates a racial imbalance, as long as it is not racist.”

So, rather than come up with a terrorist profile which is more in-depth than “is a Muslim”, the cops just hassle people who don’t match any terrorist profile to mask the fact that they’re continuing to unfairly target Muslims.

Sydney By Night

As part of Vivid Sydney the Opera House, Museum of Contemporary Art and other structures were being lit up at night. I’d been at the movies with Neil and Claudia on Tuesday at Circular Quay, and had seen the images being projected on to the Opera House, so I resolved to come back in to the city another night and take some photos.

I’d received a tripod as a present a few years ago and had never got around to using it, so this was the ideal time. On Thursday night, I packed it up, along with my camera and remote shutter release and caught the train to Milsons Point just as it got dark. Not having shot time-lapse photos before I just played around with various settings, experimenting as I went along.

Starting from Milsons Point, I then headed to Kirribilii, then walked over the Harbour Bridge to The Rocks, then Circular Quay and finally to the Opera House itself.

Here are the photos.

Lennox Head

Jacqui’s grandmother passed away a couple of weeks ago. She was 94, and her passing was both peaceful and expected. Jacqui had enough warning to be able to fly up to Ballina, where her grandmother was in a nursing home, and say her goodbyes

The following week the family flew up for the funeral service, and we decided that after the funeral we would all rent an apartment and stay in Lennox Head for the weekend together. It was the perfect antidote to the sorrow of the preceding week.

Here are the photos.


If you’re pissing Cheney off you must be on the right track.

The former Vice President Dick Cheney today sharply criticised President Barack Obama’s handling of terrorism policy and defended harsh interrogation methods that Obama has labeled torture.

Obama moves to quell Guantanamo fears In a speech at the American Enterprise Institute on the same day Obama defended his approach to terrorism, Cheney said Obama’s decision to ban tough tactics “is unwise in the extreme.”

“It is recklessness cloaked in righteousness and would make the American people less safe,” said Cheney, long viewed as a leading hawk in the Bush administration.

And what’s with the ‘Obama has labelled torture’ crap? It’s been determined by the courts that waterboarding is torture, and you can bet your last dollar/pound/euro that if it was an American on the receiving end it would be labelled as torture.

Child Abuse

The report into historical child abuse in Irish schools run by the Catholic Church was released yesterday in Dublin. It found that abuse, both physical and sexual, was widespread, with sexual abuse “endemic” in Christian Brothers schools.

“A climate of fear, created by pervasive, excessive and arbitrary punishment, permeated most of the institutions and all those run for boys. Children lived with the daily terror of not knowing where the next beating was coming from,” it said.

Children in industrial schools and reformatories were treated more like convicts and slaves than people with human rights, it said. Rape was particularly common in boys homes and industrial schools run by the Christian Brothers.

While all this was going on, the Catholic Church knowingly protected paedophiles from prosecution, so they were clearly aware of the problem and chose to sweep it under the carpet. I think it says a lot about a religion when its senior members condone the sexual abuse of minors.

Sure, Catholics may claim that the Church never approved of this sort of thing, but if they knew it was happening, was being perpetrated by people over whom they had authority, and they chose not to punish those involved, then that’s condoning the behaviour. It’s as simple as that.

After the revelations of systematic clerical abuse, Pope Benedict was challenged to hold a Vatican inquiry into the role of Catholic religious orders in Ireland’s orphanages and industrial schools. Irish Soca said it was now up to the Vatican to investigate the scandal further.

Kelly said: “Now that the Ryan commission is finished we call upon Pope Benedict to convene a special consistory court to fully investigate the activities of Catholic religious orders in Ireland.

Yeah, good luck with that.

Centennial Park

On Saturday, after relaxing on the couch for the day, by 4pm I was starting to get a bit bored and looking for something to do. I remember that, while running in Centennial Park at dawn or dusk, I’d often thought to myself that I should show up with a camera some time, so I figured I’d head down and take some shots.

Bloody traffic was terrible, so I got down there a bit later than I would have liked and was a bit rushed trying to get around to a few different places before the sun went down, but I still got a couple of nice shots.


The Giro d’Italia started on Saturday, and as is usual now, SBS is covering it. However, since the Giro is not as popular as the Tour, they’re not doing live coverage of every stage, instead providing a 15min stage summary in the morning (Sydney time - so a couple of hours after the stage finished in Italy), and a longer, half hour summary in the evening.

However, Tom mentioned in an email last week that he has bought himself a SlingBox and rigged it up to his Sky TV setup box back in Ireland. He provided me with the details to log into it and try it out, whereupon I discovered that he has Eurosport, and, as it turns out, Eurosport cover most of the cycling season.

So now, I can log into Tom’s set-top box in Ireland, get it to record the Giro stages live, and then log in when I get up in the morning and watch the day’s stage! Pretty cool. It works well, and the video quality is pretty good. Isn’t technology wonderful :)

It Gets Worse

Freedom continues to be eroded.

Internet service providers are to keep records of emails and online phone calls under controversial new government regulations that come into force today.

ISPs will be legally obliged to store details of emails and internet telephony for 12 months as a potential tool to aid criminal investigations. Although the content of emails and calls will not be held, ISPs will be asked to record the date, time, duration and recipients of online communications.

The new regulations are contained in an EC directive on data retention that already applies to telecoms providers and is now being extended to ISPs.

People would be up in arms if the UK Government decided to just allocate them each a policeman to follow you around and record all details of your everyday life, yet with laws like these and the prevalence of CCTV cameras, that’s essentially what’s happening.

Bin Laden Still Winning

It seems we continue to be our own worst enemies and the powers that be seem determined to do Bin Laden’s dirty work for him. The G20 have been meeting in the UK this week, and as is usual at these things, people protest. Given the current economic climate, who could blame them really.

Yes, there are always a few idiots determined to cause violence, but the majority of protesters don’t cause any trouble and are just exercising their democratic rights. In the UK in particular, those rights are slowly disappearing. After the protest was finished yesterday, everyone was herded, and coralled and detained against their will for up to eight hours. Once the police finally decided to let them leave, they were required to provide their name, address and have their photos taken. I think it’s a pretty sad reflection of our times, and a complete abuse of power.

This is a strategy called the “kettle”, which sees protesters herded into an area and kept there for hours. Its stated aim is to contain a protest in a small area so it does not spread.

It was justified by the former assistant commissioner (special operations) at the Met, Andy Hayman, in an article in the Times earlier this week.

“Tactics to herd the crowd into a pen … have been criticised before, yet the police will not want groups spilintering away from the crowd,” he wrote.

The containment was backed up at the Bank, first with mounted police and then with police dogs. As people were eventually allowed to leave at about 8pm, they were funnelled out down a narrow exit with a police officer grabbing them by the arm as though they were under arrest, again regardless of age or demeanour.

One officer, asked why people were not allowed to leave under their own steam, replied: “They might fall over.”

People were then asked for their name and address and required to have a photograph taken. They are not obliged to do so under the law, but those who refused were put back in the pen.

Hot on the heels of that are details of the new eBorders scheme, in which the UK police intend keeping a database of every journey on public transport within the UK!

The records of the movements of 60 million domestic passengers will be kept by the police and, if current trends are anything to go by, used for much more than counter-terrorism operations. Not content with introducing what will in effect be an exit visa – you must supply more than 50 pieces of information before you leave the country or will not be able to travel – the government is now erecting internal borders.

A Home Office spokesman confirmed to Lewis the measures would “require passengers to show photo ID, such as a driving licence or the (proposed) government ID cards, when booking tickets for domestic air and sea journeys”.

FIFA Need To Get Their Act Together

A fundamental tenet of testing for performance-enhancing drugs in sports is that an athlete can expect to be tested at any time, at any place, without warning. To enable this, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has the ‘whereabouts rule’. This rule states that those athletes on its target list, which in swimming’s case means the Top 50 in the world in each event, must keep WADA informed of where they’ll be for at least one hour each day. In practice, this means that the athlete will enter this data three months in advance, and then can change details via SMS, fax etc. according to circumstances. If a tester shows up to where the athlete has said they’ll be, and they’re nor there, it counts as a missed test. Three missed tests and you’re banned.

Now FIFA signed up to WADA’s anti-doping code ages ago, but they’re now complaining that the whereabouts rule shouldn’t apply to footballers, and that footballers should be treated differently to athletes in other sports.

The Guardian wonders why FIFA expects to be treated differently and mentions the results from a recent French study.

The answer, I believe, lies in the findings of a study carried by a French anti-doping agency, which tested hair samples from 138 professional athletes, including 32 footballers. (Unlike urine samples, where evidence of steroid use is “washed out” within days, hair samples can retain traces of drugs much longer.) The results — published in France last week but completely ignored in this country — revealed that seven players (21.8%) tested “positive” for some form of banned drug, a far greater proportion than that found in sports such as rugby and, ahem, cycling. It is a bad day indeed for football when it places higher in the league table of drug use than professional cycling, although, in fairness, there are reasons to be cautious about the French study.Most obviously, it took place only in France, which may or may not have a different culture of drug use than other European countries. Hair sample testing has no legal status in France, or anywhere else for that matter, and the identities of those who tested positive will never be revealed.

The GFC Breakdown

Rolling Stone has an excellent article covering the disaster that is the global finanical crisis (GFC), detailing both how it derailed AIG and also how the bailout procedures are also little more than a Wall Street power grab.

This cozy arrangement [TARP] created yet another opportunity for big banks to devour market share at the expense of smaller regional lenders. While all the bigwigs at Citi and Goldman and Bank of America who had Paulson on speed-dial got bailed out right away — remember that TARP was originally passed because money had to be lent right now, that day, that minute, to stave off emergency — many small banks are still waiting for help. Five months into the TARP program, some not only haven’t received any funds, they haven’t even gotten a call back about their applications.

“There’s definitely a feeling among community bankers that no one up there cares much if they make it or not,” says Tanya Wheeless, president of the Arizona Bankers Association.

Which, of course, is exactly the opposite of what should be happening, since small, regional banks are far less guilty of the kinds of predatory lending that sank the economy. “They’re not giving out subprime loans or easy credit,” says Wheeless. “At the community level, it’s much more bread-and-butter banking.”

Nonetheless, the lion’s share of the bailout money has gone to the larger, so-called “systemically important” banks. “It’s like Treasury is picking winners and losers,” says one state banking official who asked not to be identified.

This itself is a hugely important political development. In essence, the bailout accelerated the decline of regional community lenders by boosting the political power of their giant national competitors.

Which, when you think about it, is insane: What had brought us to the brink of collapse in the first place was this relentless instinct for building ever-larger megacompanies, passing deregulatory measures to gradually feed all the little fish in the sea to an ever-shrinking pool of Bigger Fish. To fix this problem, the government should have slowly liquidated these monster, too-big-to-fail firms and broken them down to smaller, more manageable companies. Instead, federal regulators closed ranks and used an almost completely secret bailout process to double down on the same faulty, merger-happy thinking that got us here in the first place, creating a constellation of megafirms under government control that are even bigger, more unwieldy and more crammed to the gills with systemic risk.

The more I read the more gob-smacked I am that no-one bothered to put a stop to it before things got out of hand. You can bet all the bankers at the heart of the dealings knew that they were selling rubbish, but since they were making billions they were never going to stop, and it appears that the regulators just weren’t interested in regulating.

The most galling thing about this financial crisis is that so many Wall Street types think they actually deserve not only their huge bonuses and lavish lifestyles but the awesome political power their own mistakes have left them in possession of. When challenged, they talk about how hard they work, the 90-hour weeks, the stress, the failed marriages, the hemorrhoids and gallstones they all get before they hit 40.

“But wait a minute,” you say to them. “No one ever asked you to stay up all night eight days a week trying to get filthy rich shorting what’s left of the American auto industry or selling $600 billion in toxic, irredeemable mortgages to ex-strippers on work release and Taco Bell clerks. Actually, come to think of it, why are we even giving taxpayer money to you people? Why are we not throwing your ass in jail instead?”

But before you even finish saying that, they’re rolling their eyes, because You Don’t Get It. These people were never about anything except turning money into money, in order to get more money; valueswise they’re on par with crack addicts, or obsessive sexual deviants who burgle homes to steal panties. Yet these are the people in whose hands our entire political future now rests.

That sums it up about right. These idiots should be committing harikari, not being rewarded with multi-million dollar bonuses.

NASA Animations

NASA’s Scientific Visualisation Studio has some cool information on their site, but two ones I found today were of particular interest.

The first is an animation based on the output of the best of our current climate models, showing what would have happened if we had not enacted the Montréal Protocol banning the emission of CFCs into the atmosphere. The period covered includes actual data collected since 1978 and modelled data from 2009 forward to 2065, showing a side-by-side view of what is happening on the left, and what would have happened without the treaty on the right. Have a look here.

The second animation show the changing extend of Arctic sea ice based on actual satellite observations since 1979. It’s frightening how much it has changed in the last 30 years. That animation can be viewed here.


I’d been thinking about donating blood for quite some time, but had never got around to it, so when the Red Cross Blood Service launched an appeal in the wake of the Victorian Bushfires, I got on the web and signed up.

Six weeks later, I finally got a call to arrange an appointment, an indication of how busy the service is at the moment, and yesterday morning was that day. People from the UK are banned from donating blood due to the incidence of BSE (Mad Cow disease) in the 80s & 90s, and since I’ve become used to Ireland occasionally being erroneously included in the UK, I wasn’t sure whether I’d be rejected or not. My sister, Bevin, had already been rejected in NZ, so I wasn’t hopeful. As it turned out, I needn’t have worried as the ban doesn’t include us healthy Southerners (but does include the Northies) so I was in.

After filling in the expected forms asking about IV drug use, AIDS, previous operations, transfusions etc. I had my blood pressure and iron levels checked and was given the all clear to donate. Fitted with a nice “It’s my first time” sticker, I was brought to the inner sanctum where the vampires lay, ready to extract a pint of whole blood. After being asked to state my name to ensure the paperwork accompanying me was actually mine, and a quick examination of my arms for a preferred injection site followed by a swab of antisepctic, the needle went in and the blood started flowing.

A couple of test tubes were filled for testing and then I was hooked up to the main collection bag and told to kick back and relax for the 10 minutes or so it takes to fill. No sooner than that was said and the machine started beeping away, clearly not happy about something. Turns out the flow rate was too slow running the risk of my blood coagulating and blocking the needle. Sadly, after an attempt to manipulate the needle in case its tip was abutting a vein wall, things didn’t improve and the attempt was called off with the bag only about 10% full.

Given that my heart only beats at around 45bpm when I’m sitting down, I thought that might be the issue, but was assured that wouldn’t matter and that it was more likely to be dehydration or nervousness. Given that I’d dehydrated anyway when I wake up, and that I’d then gone for a run and had a coffee before attempting to re-hydrate in time for the donation, I reckon that’s the problem.

Despite the mishap, I was still rewarded with a free juice and biscuits for my efforts, though I should have mentioned that the Irish Blood Transfusion Service give you a pint of Guinness afterwards - at least they did in the 80s when Mum was donating, not sure if they still do. Anyway, my next appointment is booked for the middle of June, so I’ll remember to be super-hydrated for that one and see how things go.

![Cobra L4V Driver](/images/L4V_F.jpg)

I finally got around to buying myself a driver, figuring that since I’m hitting my hybrids reasonably well, and have hit some crackers with mates’ drivers, it’s about time I got my own and learned how to hit it consistently.

With the price of new brand-name drivers being north of $500 locally nowadays, I first looked at importing from the US, before opting to hit Australian eBay stores. I also decided to aim for a 2008 model rather than the latest ‘09 version, in the end managing to score a Cobra L4V F/9.0 for $269 which I was pretty happy with.

The obligatory pre-purchase WBR (web-based research) revealed that this driver scored highly on the annual reviews of both the major US golf mags, and user opinions around the web suggest that it’s easy to smash the ball super-long. All I need to do now is ensure the ball lands on my fairway and not ones on either side!

Cronulla Olympic Triathlon

Sunday morning saw my return to the triathlon scene after a couple of months off, competing in the Cronulla Olympic Distance Triathlon With all the weddings and buck’s parties after New Year’s I hadn’t done all that much training, and when I started up again a couple last month I immediately got shin splints from running too fast too soon. Still, I’d paid my entry fee so figured I might as well do the race.

I had to head down to Cronulla on Saturday to register and drop my bike into transition, then return at the crack of dawn on Sunday morning for the actual race. Saturday evening was nice and warm, with decent size waves promising to make the swim eventful. I’d been swimming at Bondi earlier in the day having fun in the waves, and since the ones in Cronulla were breaking much cleaner all was looking good. Race start was scheduled for 0645, and my wave was scheduled for 0745.

Woke up on Sunday morning and must have been a bit dopey, as I was leisurely eating my breakfast when I realised I should have left 10 minutes previously. The transition area is closed off before the race starts, so, although I wasn’t starting until 0745, I still had to have all my stuff organised in transition before 0630. I managed to get into transition just as they announced it was now closed, so I was a bit rushed in my preparation. I set everything up and walked out of there to join the pre-race toilet queue. While standing there I realised that not only had I still got my sunnies and running cap still with me, I’d also left all my race gear (lycra shorts, top & rash vest) in transitions, meaning I’d nothing to wear for the race. Thankfully they let me in to get my gear!

I ambled down to the beach about 10 minutes before my wave start, noticing that the waves were considerably more confused than yesterday evening, but, despite not having done any swimming since the beginning of December, I wasn’t worried. Some poor guy in the wave in front of me couldn’t get past the break: race effectively over after three minutes. After a brief instructive chat from the Technical Official, the horn sounded and we were off. I got going reasonably well, ducking under the incoming waves, but there was a lot of water moving around and you could really feel the pull if you came up too soon after the wave had passed. I did it twice and got sucked back a couple of metres, but that was the worst of it.

Out to the buoys, left turn for a few hundred metres then back into shore, constantly watching for a wave to catch in. Managed to catch a beauty, body surf the last 50m and stand straight up on the beach. Due to the big waves the swim had to be shortened from the expected 1500m to closer to 1000m, and relocated further down the beach where the surf lifesavers deemed it was safer. The downside to this was we had to run about 1.5km to get back to our bikes. Not ideal for me really, but it wasn’t too bad in the end.

Once out on the bike I resolved to take things easy enough not to fry myself on the run, especially since I’d had shin splints up until a few days previously. It was a two loop, out and back course, and it wasn’t until I reached the turnaround that I realised I’d had the wind behind me up until then and the way home would be a tiny bit harder. Towards the end of the bike my lower back was hurting a bit, just as it had done in Canberra, reinforcing my belief that the bike shop sold me a frame one size too big, so will have to trade it in before next season. I rode into transitions feeling fine and wondering what shape my run legs would be in.

It turns out that cruising the bike worked beautifully and my legs were fine, so I just concentrated on settling into a conservative pace so as not to wreck my shins again. The course had 4 small inclines per lap, which, although not super steep, were enough to prevent me settling into a nice rhythm. I was careful not to drink too much water or electrolyte, fearing that bloated feeling with too much liquid sloshing about, but things went smoothly and I crossed the line in 2:34:10.


1.5km Swim/Run22:26
40km Bike1:21.34
10km Run50:10

In retrospect, I went way too easy on the bike, being a full eight minutes slower than the last time I did this distance (albeit on a different course), though my run was almost four minutes faster which I’m pretty happy with.

That’s it for triathlons for this season. Next race is the Sydney Morning Herald Half Marathon on May 17th.

UK Big Brother

No, not the reality show! People in the UK are up in arms over Government plans to create what amounts to a surveillance state. The US tried this a few years ago with their Total Information Awareness program which Congress eventually voted down, so it’s no great surprise to see the UK trying it on as well.

High on the concerns of the convention were the recent allegations against the British security services by Guantanamo Bay torture victim Binyam Mohamed, plans for ID cards, DNA collection databases and controversial surveillance powers being used by civil servants. In addition, concerns were high over Government plans to create a database of all the communciations and movements of ordinary people as well as the profileration of anti-terrorism laws including detention of suspects.

The Conservative MP David Davis, who resigned from the shadow cabinet in order to fight a byelection on a civil liberties platform, gave the final keynote speech of the day. He told the Observer that he believed the danger of a police state was a very real one and that justice secretary Jack Straw was leading a “piecemeal and casual erosion” of freedom in this country. “There has been a tide of government actions which have put expediency over justice time and time again. The British people wear their liberty like an old comfy suit, they are careless about it, but the mood is changing. Last year 80 per cent of people were in favour of ID cards, now 80 per cent are against. There’s a point of reflection that we are reaching, the communications database which is planned to collect every private text and phone call and petrol station receipt will create uproar.”

Iraqi Animals

When the Iraq War kicked off in 2003, a South African conservationist, Lawrence Anthony, realised that no-one would be bothered to look after all the animals in Saddam’s zoo, so he headed over there un-announced to see what he could do.

Anthony was not the only South African working in the city. General Jay Garner, the US commander, had a dozen former South African special forces soldiers as personal bodyguards. “They would come and hang out at the zoo. And they’d bring their machine guns.”

US soldiers also pitched in. “They were amazing. They were out fighting a war all day and they would come and lay their rifles down, pick up a shovel and ask, ‘What can I do?’ Think about it, America and Britain, two first world countries with the strongest animal rights records. Everybody’s got pets and everybody understands animals, and they had no provision whatsoever for any wild animals in Baghdad.”

He adds: “Then something amazing happened. Iraqi civilians started arriving as well, and then the Republican Guard. We had Republican Guard soldiers working with American troops in the zoo two weeks after they were killing each other on the battlefield.” As the situation improved, so did outside and official interest. Anthony convinced the US to revive the adjacent park, while international conservation groups sent staff and supplies. The zoo reopened in July 2003 and has not been attacked since. The US spent $2.5m on it last year.


So yesterday, or today if you’re west of London, was the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth, and this year is also the 150th anniversary of the publication of On The Origin of Species.

While down in Canberra for John’s wedding last weekend I went to the Darwin Exhibition at the National Museum of Australia which was pretty interesting. While familiar with Darwin’s story, it was still pretty cool to see some of his original notebooks and realise that the scribbles therein changed the whole world. After all, Darwin is right up there with Gallileo, Newton and Einstein as the greatest contributors to our understanding of how the world works.

Looking at the exhibits, it’s depressing to think that 150 years later there are still large proportions of our population who are not prepared to accept that Darwin was right, and that evolution by natural selection IS the way all of life’s diversity came to be. Despite the mountains of evidence, and confirmation by things we’ve since discovered, e.g: plate tectonics, DNA/genetics etc. people are still prepared to insist that it’s all rubbish and “some dude in the sky made us”. I certainly know which story is more plausible.

Anyway, enjoy the day and get out there to appreciate the wonders of the natural world and the man who provided the foundation for our understanding how it works. And if you can’t get outside, then perhaps watching a David Attenborough documentary is an appropriate substitute!

Bush Fires
![My Bike](/images/drinkingkoala.jpg)

Well, what can be said about the Victorian bush fires? They’re the worst natural disaster to befall Australia, and, if, as seems likely, they were started deliberately, the largest mass murder in Australia’s history. Police have declared certain areas as crime scenes, and radio news reports this morning hinted that they may be close to arresting someone they suspect of lighting some of the fires.

The weather throughout the south east has been ridiculously hot for the last two or three weeks, hitting 46C in both Adelaide and Melbourne. The inland suburbs of Sydney were regularly well over 40C this week, and at John’s wedding in Canberra at the weekend the temperature topped 40C on four consecutive days. With those sorts of temperatures fires are inevitable, even without arson. A 15yr-old boy was arrested in Sydney for starting a fire, though it appears he just let off a firework rather than deliberately trying to light vegetation with matches.

As of this morning, the death toll is 173 and it’s expected to top 200. 750+ homes have been destroyed. The Red Cross are running and appeal and you can donate on their website. They’re also looking for blood donors so I’ve signed up for that (yes Mum, I know I should have done it ages ago!)

The sad thing is that this sort of thing is likely to become more frequent due to climate change, yet there’s still some resistance to doing anything substantive about it. There were similar fires in 2003, but because they burnt through National Parks rather than towns no-one worried about them too much. SE Australia is acknowledged as being in the midst of a 12-year drought, but perhaps it’s not a drought so much as the new climate for that region?