After a week without snow, yesterday it returned with a vengeance. We awoke to 27cm of fresh overnight, and it just kept going, so this was the scene which greeted myself and Nathan this morning… 44cm overnight, for a total of 71cm in the last 48hrs. Best of all? It’s Monday, so no weekend crowds.
We made it up bright and early for fresh tracks, so I decided to hold my video camera for the first run, only to have it marred by a knobhead skier who decided to pull a hockey stop into my path, sending me flying. Before I’d stopped sliding he was abusing me in lots of colourful language, and when I pointed out that it was he who pulled the sudden swerve and stop into my path, he pointed out that he was stopping to wait for his young daughter. Nice anger management and vocabulary he was teaching her there!
Anyway, holding the camera sans glove wasn’t the smartest thing to do in -23C, so I’m still dealing with slight frostbite six hours later. The first few runs were pretty sketchy, as a couple of days ago I’d moved my bindings forward to a fully centered stance to make it easier to change back and forth between regular and switch. That change was haunting me on a monster powder day as the front of my board just wanted to dive under the snow, so when we decided to switch to the new side of the hill I dipped into rentals and moved them back. After that I was ripping through the powder, landing nice jumps off cat-tracks and all was well with the world.
I’ve only 5 days left here in Fernie before heading off to Kicking Horse to meet up with Tom, Dave & Rob, and shitloads of powder is the perfect send off!