Gait Analysis

The main reason I booked an appointment with Dr. Case was to get a biomechanical analysis done, while at the same time getting him to treat my shin splints. Being relatively new to running, and still in the process of making changes to my running style, I’d been thinking of getting this done for a while, to make sure I didn’t have any fundamental flaws which would lead to regular injuries. I’d been impressed by the injury prevention seminar he gave to our running clinic, and since he’s a pretty decent runner as well, I figured he’d know what he’s talking about.

The procedure is quite straightforward: he videos me running away from and towards the camera, then running past the camera in both directions, after which he analyses the footage at home, and we reconvene a few days later to discuss his findings. He also provides a DVD of the video he took and a worksheet of exercises specific to any flaws he encounters.

The good news for me is that I have a biomechanically sound gait, so continuing to run as I am will not lead to injury in the long term. I still have a couple of minor flaws to work on, along with increased flexibility around my hips, which will make my stride more efficient. I suppose I’ll have to stop being so lazy when it comes to stretching properly after a run in future!
